
Q1. Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and an HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.


An XML sitemap is a script containing the website ‘metadata’ and is used by search engines/ ‘spider bots’ to understand the structure of the website and index its IAW's popularity, importance, update schedule, and connection to other URLs.


  1. Helps Bots identify your website
  2. Acts as a validator and ensures there are no duplicates
  3. Notifies bots of updates website.
  4. Downsides:

    • Just because a website has an XML sitemap does not ensure that the search engine will index the website or access the website.


An HTML sitemap is a map unlike the XML sitemap as it is designed for the user to navigate a website via URL links. The HTML though not designed to assist search engines also assist them in the Indexing of the sites URL’s.


  1. Allows for internal navigation within the website.
  2. Allows search bots to discover other pages for search engines to index.


  1. Redundant when it comes to small sites as there are simply not enough links to justify the sitemap's implementation.

Q2. Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Microsoft Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code provides the user with the following desired aspects;

  1. Outlines syntax errors and automatic completion of variables and functions based on imported modules.
  2. Debugs in real-time and identifies bugs/breakpoints without having to run the code through the application.
  3. Is extremely customizable through a large amount of extensions.
  4. Allows for programmers to program in a large array of programming languages i.e. Python, C, C++, Java, +5.
  5. Supports FTP extensions.
  6. Fee Free Application.

Disadvantages of using Visual Studio:

  1. UI can be difficult to navigate without context.
  2. Setting up extensions with applications can prove difficult for a novice without assistance.


This is an ideal first-time usage programming software as it is easy to use, with a well-thought-out with a simple UI. However the most significant of all is that it is a free application. With no requirements for a subscription service.

Q3. Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

History of Web Browsers:

The beginning Web Browsers: 1990’s

The first WWW browers was coinded the Nexus by Sir Tim Berners Lee. The browser was text based and in 1994 had a GUI developed to allow the adverage consumer access to the browser.

The Browser War: 1995 – 2001

The browser war was a particular period of time for web browser development where two large companies fought for dominance over the ‘usage share of the web browser. The largest of which was the conflict between both Microsoft and their browser Internet Explorer and Netscape and their browser navigator. The conflict concluded with Microsoft Internet Explorer being dominant leading to a further increase in the company's dominance of the IT world.

Development of Web Browser Standards: 2000’s

During the late 1990’s three individuals George Olsen, Glen Davis and Jeffrey Zeldman came together as the leaders of a project called the ‘Web Standards Project’. These individuals in conjunction with many others help push forward universal standards across all documents published on the Web.

The issue encountered by the Web Standards Project was that companies did not wish to collaborate in order for universal standards to be utilized across the web which could have led to monopolization of the web with certain areas being inaccessible without the correct browser. However, In 2001 the group managed to convince Microsoft, Netscape Opera and others to confirm and support the creation of web browser standards such as HTML 4.

Web Standards 2000’s Cont.

During this period an organization, Wide Web Consortium (W3C) grew in popularity as they played a leading role in ‘developing and maintaining many web standards. Web standards such as; HTML, CSS JavaScrip, and others. These developments in standards were crucial as they allowed browsers to become more compatible and share information freely.

Q4. What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website Methodologies are a series of tests that web developers use in order to identify whether a website is viable and usable for the user.

The most common methodologies employed by web developers include the following tests; functionality, usability, interface, compatibility, performance and security.

The functionality determines if the website actually achieves its function. The test includes the testing of input and output of data, execution of instructions and Identification if the software is meeting its set goals.

The usability test determines how ‘user-friendly’ the website is and how effective it is at interacting with the user. The easiest medium that this is measured by is how easy it is to navigate.

The interface test ensures that all components for displaying the data are functioning correctly. This includes; the web server, web browser and database communicating correctly.

The compatibility test ensures that the websites are compatible with all browsers. The testing itself includes but is not limited to the testing of its compatibility with browsers, operating systems and certain devices.

The performance test is a series of tests designed to stress the website to see how it can perform under a ‘heavy load’. The tests generally include multiple scenarios, different hardware configurations and internet speeds.

The last general test is the security test. This test reviews the website for potential breaches in data security as well as potential breaches that can lead to ‘technical issues’.

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

Q5. The NT government currently endorses the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

The requirements that the NT Government enforces on all web page development include the following:

  • ‘Perceivable’: Meaning that it can be used by all users.
  • ‘Operable’: The website should be easily navigatable and use multiple input methods.
  • ‘Understandable’: The content must be legible and clear to all users.
  • ‘Robust’: The website should be designed to withstand pressure whilst remaining operational.
Q6. How do you think it’s best to organize all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

The most efficient and foolproof organizational system for a website system is none other than a tree-based hierarchy folder system.

This system is the most efficient and stable form for file organizational systems as it allows the programmer to compartmentalize the website source documents and allows for logical and easy navigation through the folders.

The file system is set up in the following fashion; one global parent folder to act as the holder of all the projects folders, then a sub-folder where the HTML files will be stored, followed by a folder for the CSS files and then additional folders for any media that are required.